Thanks to all for your supportive comments...
My biggest concern at the moment, is that this is the exact same injury, in the exact same place that put an end to my training two years ago. At that time though, I didn't do any therapy. I was in a very different place in my life and I kinda just conceded. This time around, I'm going to try swimming and see if that works. I suspect that the more complete answer to the problem is to be found through continued weight loss.
Notwithstanding that I am just three months into my life as a non-smoker, I have the food part of the dieting under reasonable control though I need to make some adjustments. I think that if I could just get a good six months of healthy eating and working out under my belt, the excess pounds would be gone. I am just such an emotional eater. Most of the time when I overeat to reach for the junk it has absolsutely nothing to do with hunger or fuel.
Turning back to the idea of swimming... problem (ok not really a problem) is that I will have go to the Y during peak hours and/or on my way to work. My life is geared to early mornings, so getting to the pool to swim before work is not the problem (except that I would be the flotsam and jetsam that Elizabeth refers to). The problem is that I despise having to get myself ready for work at the gym; it is the sole reason that I invested in the big honking treadmill that lives in the middle of my living room. As the Y is on my way to the office, it really isn't practical to come back home to shower, shave etc. and then leave for work.
No problems... just opportunities as they say.
Have a great week everybody. And, thanks for the support.