Yoga is the new cheese...
This is just a short post so that those of you in the blogosphere who care, will know that I am alive and doing well here in Toronto, where normal winter weather has finally arrived. I say short because it occurs to me that this blog is really NOT about running a marathon or doing a triathalon. SHOCKING, I KNOW. In fact, I am almost certain that running a marathon is not in the cards for this life.
BUT WAIT... before you all start in at me for not selling myself short, and never say never.... I DO plan on running... and playing tennis.... and doing yoga. I just don't (at least at the moment) believe that my body will ever be sound enough or injury free enough to be able to withstand the physical strain of the marathon, nor will the reality of my professional life allow for a consistent training/diet schedule. And more on this later, but I just don't see myself losing enough weight to make the marathon possible.
Sometimes, one just has to accept that a ship has sailed.
But what I do want to tell all of you, and a great big thanks to Runner Susan for inspiring this, the birth of this blog has led me closer to achieving a goal that has the potential to be even more life affirming than running a marathon: loving my body exactly the way it is.
Now, as this is going to be just a short post, and because this is so HUGE, I am not going to be able to cover what is sure to be a lot of ground in this post. It is however, what I am going to be writing about in this blog - at least as much as is possible or appropriate. I have suffered my whole life from weight and body image issues and I say ENOUGH.
This epiphany came in a recent yoga class during the week after Susan wrote about her own weight and body image issues when the instructor asked all of us to dedicate our practice that evening to a cherished goal that seemed impossible or elusive. Let me tell you, in all of my years, I have never seen something more clearly. In that moment, I knew and understood on a very deep level that it was time to let go and to surrender that part of me that has caused me so much pain and misery throughout my life.
And this is where I need to leave it for today - yoga is the new cheese.
It is quite extraordinary and almost beyond explanation how I feel after doing a yoga class. I feel whole and complete in a way that I have just never known.
And I wonder, how could have spent so many years being so mean and cruel to myself?
So, there it is folks. I said at the beginning that I am going to run, play tennis and do yoga - but I am going to do it for my health and because it is fun and it gives me life. I am going to try to lose weight by eating healthy because I will probably live longer - AND NOT BECAUSE I WANT TO LOOK HOT... oh please, vanity thy name is Scott!
I am NOT going to be a slave to working out to lose weight. Big difference.
In closing, I have a multi-gazillion dollar publishing idea and I'm going to let you all in on the ground floor. It's called the Scott Plan. It's really very simple. All you have to do is eat healthful, nutritious food and workout out and you will lose weight. I cannot believe that nobody has thought about it before now. I swear it is going to make me rich.
Eat that you South Beach, carb hating freaks.
Be well all! Oh btw, just because I'm not writing a running blog doesn't mean that I'm not going to keep following your running/tri blogs.
OK so, maybe it's not all that short.
BUT WAIT... before you all start in at me for not selling myself short, and never say never.... I DO plan on running... and playing tennis.... and doing yoga. I just don't (at least at the moment) believe that my body will ever be sound enough or injury free enough to be able to withstand the physical strain of the marathon, nor will the reality of my professional life allow for a consistent training/diet schedule. And more on this later, but I just don't see myself losing enough weight to make the marathon possible.
Sometimes, one just has to accept that a ship has sailed.
But what I do want to tell all of you, and a great big thanks to Runner Susan for inspiring this, the birth of this blog has led me closer to achieving a goal that has the potential to be even more life affirming than running a marathon: loving my body exactly the way it is.
Now, as this is going to be just a short post, and because this is so HUGE, I am not going to be able to cover what is sure to be a lot of ground in this post. It is however, what I am going to be writing about in this blog - at least as much as is possible or appropriate. I have suffered my whole life from weight and body image issues and I say ENOUGH.
This epiphany came in a recent yoga class during the week after Susan wrote about her own weight and body image issues when the instructor asked all of us to dedicate our practice that evening to a cherished goal that seemed impossible or elusive. Let me tell you, in all of my years, I have never seen something more clearly. In that moment, I knew and understood on a very deep level that it was time to let go and to surrender that part of me that has caused me so much pain and misery throughout my life.
And this is where I need to leave it for today - yoga is the new cheese.
It is quite extraordinary and almost beyond explanation how I feel after doing a yoga class. I feel whole and complete in a way that I have just never known.
And I wonder, how could have spent so many years being so mean and cruel to myself?
So, there it is folks. I said at the beginning that I am going to run, play tennis and do yoga - but I am going to do it for my health and because it is fun and it gives me life. I am going to try to lose weight by eating healthy because I will probably live longer - AND NOT BECAUSE I WANT TO LOOK HOT... oh please, vanity thy name is Scott!
I am NOT going to be a slave to working out to lose weight. Big difference.
In closing, I have a multi-gazillion dollar publishing idea and I'm going to let you all in on the ground floor. It's called the Scott Plan. It's really very simple. All you have to do is eat healthful, nutritious food and workout out and you will lose weight. I cannot believe that nobody has thought about it before now. I swear it is going to make me rich.
Eat that you South Beach, carb hating freaks.
Be well all! Oh btw, just because I'm not writing a running blog doesn't mean that I'm not going to keep following your running/tri blogs.
OK so, maybe it's not all that short.
Yoga is the new cheese! I've done two classes now and both times left feeling so refreshed!
I think the Scott plan sounds perfect!
Ahh, wouldn't it be nice if everyone accepted us as yoga does! It's nice to read that yoga helped you accept you...and what's not to LOVE?!
Thanks for this post. Its sooo hard to learn to accept our physical bodies - it doesn't matter how healthy, how strong, or even how thin we get. Something in our culture won't let us be happy. I'm glad you're rebelling and look forward to reading about your journey.
I love cheese!
And yoga!
And Scotty!
You are awesome.
"yoga is the new cheese" ... thank god ... i did a yoga class and when i took my sox off at the start there was that smell .... i thought it was me .... the cheese smell, don't you know ... so the relief that it wasn't my stinky feet after all ... you have cleared it up, it is the yoga
Great blog, found you off CRN. Good post.
If you ever find yourself having trouble finding motivation, read this post. Read the things that you have said to yourself. Read the emotions that you were feeling when you wrote these wonderful words. Read the promises that you have made to yourself, then find your motivation, then continue to change your life, one day at a time. All the best Scott.
"Yoga is the new cheese", isn't it the cheese that binds us? Loved reading through your web site and your posts, very cool layouts and topics. I enjoyed reading your blog. If you get a chance, please visit my running web site, Faithful Soles. I have a Running Blog Database on there and would love to have your blog linked it. If you want to read a really great inspirational story about an event I witnessed at the 2000 Boston Marathon that I think will be sure to motivate you in your running and daily life, please read The Greatest Marathoner. I also have my own blog, but most of my information is on the main web site. Thanks and continued good luck in your training.
knock, knock...
...who's there?
not you...
this is your friendly reminder to post once in a while. ha!
Where is our friend Scott?
hey thanks for your great comment! and i thought I was behind on posting! ha!
of COURSE it can happen for you. you know the rules. just put one foot in front of the other. bring headphones.
are you still around?
Wow, I wasn't sure I'd ever hear from you again. To be honest, I was afraid to ask. I just didn't know what had become of you. So glad to hear from you. You caught me just in time, as I plan to stop blogging for a while. I just haven't gotten around to making my blog private yet.
Anyway, I may not be writing anymore, but I will still be around and will be reading other blogs daily. So I'm happy to hear from you and promise to check in.
I left your link on my sidebar because, well, I don't know why really. I just didn't want to lose touch with you, and I was afraid if I deleted the link I'd never hear from you again. And alas, here you are again, emerging from the darkness. So glad you made it. Keep in touch.
Scott, I am so glad to hear from you again. I was really worried about what happened to you but didn't have your email, so I am so glad to hear you are back. I am looking forward to hearing from you more often!
Take care! And thanks for the congrats on the baby! :)
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