How Do You Solve a Problem Like Scott (or those gay men and their show tunes....)
I just spoke on the phone to my Internet bud, Spence (Two Thirds the Venture on my sidebar). We think that we are twins separated at birth, albeit a country apart (I'm not quite sure how to explain the 10 year difference in our ages though...). It felt kind of weird to communicate by phone rather than by e-mail, however, I totally believe that people come into our lives for a reason. Right Spence?
So, now to my sidebar, where you will note that I have not one, but three You Tube clips (F. me, I love You Tube). This week's clips are of an awesomely talented woman by the name of Elicia Mackenzie who just won a reality type competition here in Canada, to be cast as Maria in the Sound of Music which is opening in Toronto in October.
Now you MUST know this about me -
- really... I'd rather stick needles in my eyeballs (and besides, I start crying when they kick people off the island) but never mind. Because I'm a big theatre mo, I couldn't resist and I totally picked Elicia as the winner from the first night. I screamed when they announced her as the winner and almost dumped a pot of boiling water down my naked self. I have tickets for January 3rd - I CANNOT wait. Sad as it sounds, I'll probably have to go and wait at the stage entrance to get her autograph....
Anyway moving on....
My second week back at work felt better than the first (the brain was not so cobwebby) but alas, towards the end of the week I was back to the exact habits and patterns that I AM SO DESPERATELY TRYING TO CHANGE:
- get up at the crack of dawn
- start obsessing about deadlines and everything that I have to do at work
- worry about how I can make the lawyers like me (OH, this is swell, at the age of 46...)
- skip working out, promise to do it after work and rush into the office (yeah right!)
- eat second breakfast at about 9:00 o'clock
- leave the office exhausted
- arrive home, inhale BIG bowl of pasta (trying to convince myself that there are half as many calories in twice as much...)
- flop on the couch and watch television
- promise to get it right tomorrow
- go to bed
- repeat
So, I continue to try to figure out a way to start my days by pressing PAUSE. If only I could meditate and get myself balanced and centred, I might actually make some progress.
My day could look like this:
- get up at the crack of dawn and feel INTENSE gratitude for all the richness and blessings of my life
- take a moment to love the cats and realize that life really is quite simple
- meditate
- work out
- FEEL GREAT and not give a flying fuck whether or not the world likes me.... (sing a rousing chorus of "I Am What I Am.. I am my own special creation....)
- then.... after I have taken care of myself, go to work
- be uber productive because I feel so good
- come home feeling energized
- cook a healthy dinner
- maybe watch some television
- repeat
By Friday of last week I was exhausted and decided to join some of the law students in our lounge for a beer, which was just enough to convince me to buy cigarettes on my way home. As I often do, I smoke half a dozen and then ripped up most of the package before going to bed Friday night , swearing never to smoke again, only to wake up Saturday morning feeling GROSS. My answer to this? Go to the store and buy more cigarettes, blow off my workout and rush to the office ON FREAKING SATURDAY MORNING....
TRULY I TELL YOU (an example of WWJS) smoking again after quitting for 2.5 years feels like the worst kind of failure. But, I do know that beating myself up is not going to make me stop any sooner. I did it once and I will do it again.
Now you'll have to excuse me - I have a triathalon to fantasize about....
david sedaris's latest book mentions a smoker who kee... an exsmoker who keeps a babyfood jar with ashes and water with her. when she feels the craving, she opens the jar and inhales.
try it.
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